Metal Parts Manufacturing
In the making of metal parts and assemblies, Philippine Tonan Corporation uses the following machineries: metal shearing, numeric control punch, press and bending machines. We are serving the housing and power industries for our metal window frames and junction box respectively. We are also catering some kitchen furnishings like shelving, frames and kitchen utensil dryers. For cold country like Japan, they use humidity boxes in the preservation of some small electronic equipment like cameras, cell phone in which the company is working for this product. Office furniture’s and production fixtures are also included in our list of capabilities.
With these, the above-mentioned machineries are being used but to give background, a metal shearing machine is a foot or mechanically powered. It works by first clamping the material with an arm. A moving blade then comes down across a fixed blade to shear the materials. As far as equipment is concerned, the machine consist of a shear table where the work piece rest, a work holding device where the work piece is hold in place and keep it from moving or buckling while under stress, a upper and lower blades where it will do the cutting and the gauging device is used to ensure that the work piece is being cut where it is supposed to be.
For numeric control punch it refers to the automation of machine tools that are operated by abstractly programmed commands encoded on a computer. It is also defined as the form of programmable automation in which the process is controlled by numbers, letters and symbols. It is controlled by the set of instructions called the program. In numerical control method the numbers form the basic programs instructions for different type of jobs.
Press machine on the other hand will be used for large quantities because we can use molds for different processes until the desired shapes will be obtained. Press work happen by changing its shape and internal structure then it will form into a three dimensional object. Currently we have 30 to 300 tons press machine available.
To obtain the desired shapes we need to have bending machine especially if it needs accurate dimension, the work piece is either too big or too small and the orders are not so many. We use the foot operated pedal bending machine which can bend up to 6mm depending also on the availability of its die. The bends can be to any angle up to a practical limit of about 120 degrees.